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Overground Music Newsletter

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greetings from James Grauerholz

well it's harsh to have to bang my own drum but I am sending this little
homemade spam to a bunch of friends who might like to know the following:

I will play a solo show live on KJHK Radio (FM 90.7) next Saturday morning,
Dec. 18th, sometime after 10:30AM, maybe at 11:00.  I've got 2-3 new songs,
the whole deal will just be about 20-25 minutes.

if you live outside the KJHK listening area, and are computerly
maybe you can access the "live streaming audio" webcast feature of the
Station (I personally have never been able to make it work).  point yr
browser to < http://kjhk.ukans.edu > and navigate around and download a
bunch of junk and goodluck.

we now return you to your regularly scheduled X-Files reruns and porn

happy holidays, James.

E-mail: citycat@citycat.ru

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