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Последние новости

2024-05-11 16:33 birdwatcher
James Harris Simons (April 25, 1938 – May 10, 2024) was an American hedge fund manager, mathematician, and philanthropist.

Узнал о существовании своей профессии из его объявления о приеме на работу в журнале Notices of the AMS, на который бесплатно подписывали всех аспирантов (но конкретно в РенТех так никогда и не интервьюировался).

2024-05-11 05:42 birdwatcher
Луис Примакофф и Евгений Прима.

Возвращение к нормальности
2024-05-10 15:36 birdwatcher
bbc.com -- Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate names. The Shenandoah County School Board voted 5-1 to reinstate the names of Stonewall Jackson High and Ashby-Lee Elementary in Quicksburg. Community members had been pushing for a reversal, arguing the 2020 name change was unpopular. The vote marked the first such U-turn anywhere in the US.
Удивительно, как всё хорошо получается БЕЗ Трампа.

2024-05-10 14:47 birdwatcher
В Госдуме представили кандидатуру Мишустина на пост премьера. Бггг, отметили в Госдуме.

Наука это тоталитарная секта
2024-05-10 14:32 birdwatcher
theguardian.com -- ‘I am starting to panic about my child’s future’: climate scientists wary of starting families. A fifth of female climate scientists who responded to Guardian survey said they had opted to have no or fewer children. Most of the female scientists interviewed had made their decisions about children in past decades, when they were younger and the grave danger of global heating was less apparent. They said they had not wanted to add to the global human population that is exacting a heavy environmental toll on the planet, and some also expressed fears about the climate chaos through which a child might now have to live.
Мы все живём под пятой кучки свихнувшихся феминисток. По ссылке ужасающие фотографии.

Не знал, и шутку эту не заметил
2024-05-10 06:17 birdwatcher
gazeta.ru -- В 1957 году Булат Окуджава написал песню-посвящение поэту Евгению Евтушенко «Сентиментальный марш». В 1965 году песня в исполнении автора прозвучала в картине Марлена Хуциева «Мне 20 лет», а спустя год текст марша был переведен на английский язык Владимиром Набоковым. Это был единственный эпизод, когда Набоков, отрицательно относившийся ко всему советскому, перевел на английский стихи советского поэта. В 1969 году переиначенное двустишие из «Сентиментального марша» появляется в англоязычном романе Владимира Набокова «Ада». В одной из сцен герои слышат обрывок песни, ужиная в русском ресторане: «Nadezhda, then I shall be back, when the true batch outboys the riot».

2024-05-10 02:41 birdwatcher

Не понял, но понравилось
2024-05-09 18:26 birdwatcher
daniel-mitchell -- At the moment of its independence in 1965, Singapore was poorer on the same basis than South Africa or Jordan. …During the past two decades, the median wage for Singaporean residents in full-time work has risen by 43% in real terms, compared with an 8% rise in America. At around $46,000 in dollar terms, the median full-time wages of Singaporeans are now higher than those in Britain, the country’s former colonial boss, where they sit at around $44,000.
So why is Singapore now one of the world’s richest nations?
For the simple reason that it has free markets and limited government.

Как конкретно выглядят свобода торговли и ограниченное правительство в Сингапуре:
apnews.com -- Singapore executes third prisoner in 2 weeks for drug trafficking.
wiki -- The sale of chewing gum in Singapore has been illegal since 1992.
March 23 2022 -- Limits on social gatherings will be doubled from five to 10 people, outdoor mask mandates will be dropped, more employees can return to offices and capacity limits for large events will be increased, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced Thursday.

Мы уж лучше тогда как-нибудь в нищете.

Научный журнализм: hopeless, broken and in despair
2024-05-09 14:31 birdwatcher
- Что случилось? - интересуется James B. Meigs@city-journal.org. Почему научный журнализм такое говно?

James B. Meigs@city-journal.org -- Unscientific American. Science journalism surrenders to progressive ideology.

Товарищ не понимает. Научный журнализм говно потому, что наука и учёные говно. Никакого осмысленного способа освещать их идиотскую деятельность не существует, хоть бы ты был не Scientific American, a mises.org пополам с cato.org.

Пример: theguardian.com -- Sometimes it is almost impossible not to feel hopeless and broken,” says the climate scientist Ruth Cerezo-Mota. “After all the flooding, fires, and droughts of the last three years worldwide, all related to climate change, and after the fury of Hurricane Otis in Mexico, my country, I really thought governments were ready to listen to the science, to act in the people’s best interest.”

Instead, Cerezo-Mota expects the world to heat by a catastrophic 3C this century, soaring past the internationally agreed 1.5C target and delivering enormous suffering to billions of people. This is her optimistic view, she says.

“The breaking point for me was a meeting in Singapore,” says Cerezo-Mota, an expert in climate modelling at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. There, she listened to other experts spell out the connection between rising global temperatures and heatwaves, fires, storms and floods hurting people – not at the end of the century, but today. “That was when everything clicked.

“I got a depression,” she says. “It was a very dark point in my life. I was unable to do anything and was just sort of surviving.”

Dr Ruth Cerezo-Mota: ‘There is no safe place for anyone.’ Photograph: Tamara Uribe/The Guardian

А теперь по-настоящему плохая новость. Cerezo-Mota recovered to continue her work: “We keep doing it because we have to do it, so [the powerful] cannot say that they didn’t know. We know what we’re talking about. They can say they don’t care, but they can’t say they didn’t know.”

Ну и что тут может поделать Scientific American? Guardian-то ещё старается: раньше этот поток бреда был озаглавлен "Hopeless and broken", огромными буквами. Через час переименовали, наверное по звонку из администрации Байдена.

2024-05-08 18:14 birdwatcher
Темна материя во облацех.

Ебала жаба гадюку
2024-05-08 17:00 birdwatcher
theverge.com -- The Justice Department is examining whether Tesla misled consumers, investors, and regulators about its promises for fully autonomous vehicles.
Очевидно, да. Соучастниками были все учёные и их прихвостни, помогавшие распространять тесловский вздор про умные машины. Их тоже посадить - места в тюрьмах не хватит.

Возвращение к нормальности
2024-05-08 14:40 birdwatcher
Природа очищается от здравоохранения.
aol.com -- Communities across the U.S. are ending public water fluoridation programs, often spurred by groups that insist that people should decide whether they want the mineral — long proven to fight cavities — added to their water supplies. The push to flush it from water systems seems to be increasingly fueled by pandemic-related mistrust of government oversteps and misleading claims, experts say, that fluoride is harmful. “The anti-fluoridation movement gained steam with Covid,” said Dr. Meg Lochary, a pediatric dentist in Union County, North Carolina. “We’ve seen an increase of people who either don’t want fluoride or are skeptical about it.”

Что у научного жулья?
2024-05-08 14:16 birdwatcher
Не только сверхпроводимость и термоядерная энергетика.
thecooldown.com -- Researchers explore technology to power batteries with micro black holes: 'The ultimate physical limit on battery efficiency'. "Today's batteries are extremely inefficient compared to their ultimate potential, and we are likely just at the very beginning of a battery revolution."
По сравнению с физиками, продавцы таблеток для увеличения пениса и вдовы нигерийских министров обороны выглядят серьёзными людьми.

2024-05-07 19:36 birdwatcher
True дящиеся. True женики c'est la.

Государство и информация
2024-05-07 15:57 birdwatcher
В деле увеличения знания разведка бесполезна, а академия активно приносит вред.

telegraph.co.uk -- In January 2021, Five Eyes intelligence-sharing nations were convened to discuss the possibility of a lab leak as the US warned that China had covered up research on coronaviruses and military activity at a laboratory in Wuhan.

In a previously unreported phone call that month, Mike Pompeo, the former US secretary of state, presented evidence that supported the lab leak theory to Dominic Raab, then the Foreign Secretary, and representatives from Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Speaking to The Telegraph, two Trump administration officials accused Mr. Raab and the UK Government of ignoring the lab leak theory because of resistance from government scientists who supported the explanation that the virus had jumped between animals and humans.

Почему официальные лица в администрации Трампа скрывали такие важные вещи от Трампа, и рассказывали их вместо этого какому-то Раабу (первый раз слышу)? Об этом газета ничего не сообщает.

2024-05-07 14:46 birdwatcher
fontanka.ru -- Реклама может вернуться на петербургские автобусы. Там начали устанавливать медиапанели, внутрь и наружу они показывают разное.

The Verge уговаривает голосовать за республиканцев
2024-05-07 14:25 birdwatcher
Umar Shakir@theverge.com -- Republican lawmakers are attempting to overturn the twin pillars of the Biden administration’s climate platform: tax credits for electric vehicles and the Environmental Protection Agency’s new rules to curb tailpipe emissions. The effort involves new bills introduced by members of Congress, as well as lawsuits filed by state attorneys general, all with the goal of rolling back the minimal progress made by the Biden administration to reduce the share of planet-warming carbon emissions produced by the automotive sector. Бог в помощь!

Медицинский эксперт - это значит, опасный идиот
2024-05-06 22:26 birdwatcher
dailymail.co.uk -- Enjoy eating a bacon sandwich, a few slices of chorizo, cake or maybe even a pint of beer? Well, these are off the menu, if you want to cut your risk of cancer that is. Experts are so sure processed meat causes cancer it's classified as a 'class one carcinogen' by the World Health Organizaton (WHO), the same rank as smoking and alcohol. Потом, не переводя дыхания, порекомендуют вакцинироваться от чего-нибудь.

На ебее - алмаз стекольщика Зотова
2024-05-06 14:40 birdwatcher

Олег Григорьев.

Стекольщик Зотов куском алмаза
Резал стёкла с одного раза.
Прислонял к батарее стёкла,
А обрезки бросал в стружку около.
Напивался и спал тут в мусоре и духоте.
Умер от политуры в полной нищете.
И вот оказалось – на свой алмаз
Он мог бы прожить десять раз.

Наша с вами история
2024-05-01 21:52 birdwatcher
slashdot.org -- Sixty years ago, on May 1, 1964, at 4 am in the morning, a quiet revolution in computing began at Dartmouth College. That's when mathematicians John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz successfully ran the first program written in their newly developed BASIC (Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) programming language on the college's General Electric GE-225 mainframe. Little did they know that their creation would go on to democratize computing and inspire generations of programmers over the next six decades.