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Последние новости

Why States With No Income Tax Aren't As Affordable As They Seem
2024-05-30 22:00
If a state doesn’t charge income tax, it must find revenues elsewhere.

'Saturday Night Live's' Five-Timers Club, Visualized
2024-05-30 18:33
By spending $100 on a bootleg jacket, you can join the club too.

The Big Lie About Sleep
2024-05-30 18:19
When it comes to slumber, what matters most is how rich you are.

TikToker Unknowingly Stops Baz Luhrmann On The Street, And Their Interview Gets NSFW Really Quick
2024-05-30 16:48
The comedian had no idea she was interviewing a famed filmmaker — but she ended up getting some pretty interesting relationship advice.

Woman Brings Her 66 Year-Old Mom To See Megan Thee Stallion, And Her Reaction Is Perfect
2024-05-30 15:46
We cannot blame this mom at all — Megan is incredible.

This Iconic Austin Home Is On Sale For Almost $1.6 Million. Take A Peek Inside
2024-05-30 14:12
The place is known as the "Ramp House," for reasons that will become apparent.

Naming Your Kids After Things You Love, And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked
2024-05-30 12:20
If another billionaire is going to risk death visiting the Titanic wreckage, people are going to joke about it.

Some Of Popular Science's Predictions For The Year 2000 Were Very Wrong
2024-05-30 12:12
In this video, PopSci looks back at how it thought the millennium would look in the 1960s — and how inaccurate some of its guesses were.

Jimmy Kimmel Reacts To Trump's Claim That The Hush Money Trial Is Rigged Against Him
2024-05-30 11:53
"That's right," Kimmel said. "Even if Mother Teresa herself had sex with and paid off a porn star ... even she would have trouble getting away with it."

Comedian Nails How Extra Chick-fil-A Employees Be Sometimes
2024-05-29 23:55
Not going to lie, sometimes I just want to get in-and-out of there.

This Influencer Tried Convincing People It's Better To Be Poor... Nobody's Buying It
2024-05-29 23:34
Damn, not the "poor couple" having dirt and rips on their clothes.

Ten Movies That Will Help You Relax After A Very Long Day
2024-05-29 23:08
These "comfort movies" are reliable classics that deliver a delightful dopamine and don't require your complete attention.

Here's The Hierarchy Among The Finance Bros, Plus How Much They Make
2024-05-29 22:43
"The bad news, you're never going to see that man, so bring a friend, ladies," said KJ Miller, a Harvard grad.

Want To Get Married? This Might Be The Best Way To Know If You're Ready
2024-05-29 21:50
"Listen to me, this is a hill that I will die on, okay?"

Three Ways You Could Sabotage Your Retirement, According To A Seasoned Pro
2024-05-29 21:30
Learn how to respond to the question, "What are you doing tomorrow?"

Audience Member Gets Roasted After Comedian Learns His Job Title
2024-05-29 19:17
Jiaoying Summers has got no time for PC jokes or culture.

Inflation Is Pushing Many Older Americans Into 'Un-Retirement'
2024-05-29 19:00
The top reasons retirees are considering part-time jobs include inflation, personal fulfillment and insufficient savings.

Why Do People Hate Nickelback So Much? A Statistical Analysis
2024-05-29 18:44
Exploring the origins of Nickelback hatred.

Five Eyebrow-Raising True Crime Books To Binge-Read This Summer
2024-05-28 22:26
If you've already worked your way through some big true crime podcasts, it's time to then dive deep into the world of true crime literature.

This Flying Squirrel Faking Its Own Death Is The Cutest Thing Ever
2023-06-05 18:49
You've gotta respect his commitment to the bit.