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2010-04-02 05:47 jenny_dreadful

If you wish to join us, simply hit the join button on our userinfo.

Moderator approval is no longer necessary to join, but please be advised that this community is marked as having Adult Explicit content, and when you click that button agreeing that you are 18 and wish to view it, you are relieving us and LJ of any legal responsibilty.

Slightly OT: real, live burlesque
2005-08-13 13:55 mlyn
I just spent an enjoyable and low-priced evening watching the Fluffgirls Burlesque Society. There were three ladies performing for two hours, an enjoyable show complete with singing, dancing, and stripping (down to pasties/tassels).

I had to tell my friend with me about vintage_sex, and since the show and the community fit so well together in my mind, figured I'd better make a post here too.

These ladies are on tour, so check out their website and see if they're coming to your area. There's nothing quite like seeing old-fashioned burlesque live and in-person, as opposed to just downloading pics from LiveJournal. Get out and support your hard-working female performers! There's nothing harder than performing (in any way, but especially stripping) for a silent crowd, so I hope you'll lend them some cheers and whistles.

2005-01-27 22:38 princezna
I'm looking for a sexy book for my honey for Valentine's day. (try not to be too sick Valentine haters- I have many times been in your shoes!) What are the best picture books of vintage pornography? Hardcore to tame, Victorian to 1950- and where can I get em?


ps- does anyone have that huge picture of the hard core Victorian orgy that was posted a few months ago?

2004-07-23 02:53 jenny_dreadful
ummm, one of the maintainers is approving/declining membership requests still? I need for you not to, because I'm getting age statements while I'm out and then follow ups asking, "I sent you an age statement, why was I declined?" I wouldn't have declined them--someone else did before I read my email. So please, leave the membership approval up to me--I'm the only one who knows who has sent age statements.

2004-07-18 21:36 jenny_dreadful
Okay, I'm back, so no maintainers have to worry about approving memberships now, and I can take age statements again!

2004-07-07 22:00 jenny_dreadful
People are probably looking at their profiles to check to see if their day of birth is listed, and they aren't aware that just because they can see it doesn't mean that it's not hidden from everyone else. If you hide your date of birth, YOU can see it, but you're the only one. WE need to be able to see it to approve membership.

How to make your date of birth public. Go to the Edit Info page (http://www.livejournal.com/editinfo.bml) and scroll down to "Privacy Options". Make sure that the box labeled "Show location & birthday?" is checked and save by clicking on the "Save Changes" button at the very bottom of the page.

2004-07-07 05:26 jenny_dreadful
To my beloved temp mods ;)

When approving membership requests, just leave the ones you're not sure about for me--I might know something about them.

To the recently deleted members ;)

To expedite your approval, pleeease put your birthdate on your profile, at least long enough for us to approve you. If it's impossible for you to do this, pleeeease send me an email at gigglesmagnolia@msn.com (include your username!) BEFORE you join that contains the following:

"My legal date of birth is (yyyy-mm-dd) and I am of legal age to view adult material in my jurisdiction. I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date). (Signature)"

If you are confused by being deleted from this community:
We deleted everyone in the community and are checking birthdates as the members rejoin--much more practical than going through the 4,000 members and checking each profile, esp. since many of them are probably not using LJ anymore. ALL you have to do is rejoin. If your birthday is on your profile, and you are of age, you WILL be approved.

If you are confused because your membership request has been denied, it is because you listed no birthdate, or your birthdate as underage. We will only approve requests from people who list their birthdate as todays date 18 years ago or before.

If you have your birthdate listed as something completely ridiculous, such as 1899, either change the year to your real birthdate long enough for approval or you'll be left in the pending queue and denied if you fail to change it or email me your age statement.

I'm still getting lots and lots of membership requests from people who have not put a birthdate on their profile or contacted me to give an age statement!

People are probably looking at their profiles to check to see if their day of birth is listed, and they aren't aware that just because they can see it doesn't mean that it's not hidden from everyone else. If you hide your date of birth, YOU can see it, but you're the only one.

How to make your date of birth public. Go to the Edit Info page (http://www.livejournal.com/editinfo.bml) and scroll down to "Privacy Options". Make sure that the box labeled "Show location & birthday?" is checked and save by clicking on the "Save Changes" button at the very bottom of the page.

All public posts are deleted, members are being deleted now
2004-07-07 04:31 kutsuwamushi
There are no more public posts in this community (jenny_dreadful, I verified this by logging out and looking at the community)! Thank you so much to everyone who went back and friends-locked their posts, since that made it so much easier.

I'm going to go ahead and start deleting members now. Once you have been deleted, you can request to rejoin the community by going to the user info and clicking on the "join" link. Once a maintainer has checked to see that you're either over 18 or lying about it, you'll be approved for membership.

Temporary mods: we should wait until the entire membership (except us) is cleared out before approving any membership requests, because if we do approve requests before we're done deleting, we might just end up deleting people twice.

(Sorry if this is jumping the gun, jenny_dreadful, but I'm going to be busy tomorrow, so I thought I'd help while I can.)

Edit: All done! We can start approving requests now. =)

2004-07-06 10:10 jenny_dreadful
Okay, there still seems to be a lot of confusion about membership here. You don't need to tell me or any of the maintainers that you want to be a member. If you're not a member now (you may be watching and not be a member)---look at "Member of" at the bottom of your user info. This is NOT the list of communties at the end of the list of people you friend, go join (NOT the button you friend people with, but in the paragraph ABOVE that in the user info) and wait a few days. If you ARE a member, you still don't need to say anything, just wait until the mass deletion, and then join again.

Really, anyone who doesn't have their date of birth on their user info and wants to do the age statement instead should wait until I tell you to, and then send me the age statement at gigglesmagnolia@msn.com. People have left this in comments, but no one has explained the REALLY GOOD REASON I require for being inconvenienced even further than I already am. MOST of you do not have a good reason you can't put your birthdate on your profile long enough for me to see it and approve it. Weigh the matter heavily in my mind before you decide to send me one of these. And even then, don't do it until I tell you to. If you do it now, I won't remember.

Maintainers: When we do the mass deletions of members, make sure not to delete each other! Don't delete anyone else who has their maintainer box checked ;) And any of you who help me approve memberships, just leave any you're not sure about for me instead of declining them--they might be someone I've already talked to, or someonme whose real age I know because I know them in real life. Don't worry--I'll tell you guys again before we actually do it.

Those of you who have already volunteered...do you want to start the mass deletion of public entries today? I'm going to a temporary agency tomorrow and thinking, "Since I already have something else I need to do (i.e. vintage_sex), they'll probably give me a job quickly". So let me know.

2004-07-05 23:07 jenny_dreadful
I messed up--it's 2003 that I'm going to start deleting unlocked posts from tonight. So get in there if you want to see if you want anythihng. I'll save and repost the things I like best.

2004-07-05 20:40 jenny_dreadful
Thank you to everyone who has offered to help with the deletions. I'm just slowly deleteing from the past forward right now, trying to give AS MUCH time as I can for people to go and lock things or save pictures. I will probably call on several of you to help me do mass entry deletions around the 7th or 8th. Because getting rid of everuthing public is what we REALLY have to accomplish by the 9th. After we've done that, I could use help with the mass member deletion. I'll let you know when I need help!

2004-07-04 21:59 jenny_dreadful
Thank you to danigolden, meowkittykat, nematoddity, and marukka foir helping me clean out the archives!!! And thank you to everyone who offered to! I probably will need more help deleting all remaining public posts before the 9th, and approving membership requests after I delete everyone--I'll let everyone know. (To these people and anyone else I make a maintainer later, THIS is how you keep membership requests from filling up your inbox! http://www.livejournal.com/community/vintage_sex/844714.html?replyto=9093034)

Anyone reading who still intends to go back and make your posts friends-only, please let me know. I'll need to go back and start deleting all the public posts soon, but I want as much as possible saved, so I want to know whose posts I should not delete.

We made a mistake and approved a lot of new membership requesst-I didn't intend to do through those until I deleted everyone, so those people wouldn't have submit again when everyone else does. A few of the people were not approved because of not having their birth date on their profile. Don't even submit a membership request until you've done this. If you don't want to keep your birthdate on your profile after I've approved you, I don't care. If there is an EXTREMELY important reason that you CAN'T put your age on your profile, LJ told me you have to send this tom me and I have to keep it on file.:

"My legal date of birth is (yyyy-mm-dd) and I am of legal age to view adult material in my jurisdiction. I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date). (Signature)"

If you do this please email it to me at the same time you rejoin, but PLEASE just put your birthdate on your profile for me unless it's VERY important that your real age is not on your profile, because it will be a hard enough job just checking lots of profiles without the extra burden of that. It had better be a really good reason.

There seems to be an awful lot of confusion...lots of people telling me their age and saying thgey'd still like to be a member. And people who seem worried that they'll no longer be a member.... There are far too many people in this community for me to remember who those people are when I'm deleting members, so just rejoin when you're deleted, and as long as your profile shows you to be of legal age, you'll be readded. Don't worry! I'm going to announce when I'm doing the deletions a few times before I do---after I do, just make sure your birthdate is on your profile, rejoin, and I'll re-add you. I know people can easily lie about their age on their profile, LJ knows, it's just a legal techicality so that if any legal action were ever taken against us, we can say that we were lied to.

2004-07-03 14:46 jenny_dreadful
The people I've maintainers to help clear out the archives, tell me when you're tired of working on it so I can remove your maintainer status--I just realized you're getting all the membership requests in your inboxes too, and you're probably sick of it!!!

I'm reminding you to try to go back and make your old entries friends-only again as soon as possible so we don't have to delete them--we really don't want to delete them, but please have it done a few days before July 9th! And everybody else, go back and save the good stuff like crazy because a lot of it will be gone soon :(

I'll be gone for the day--be good kids! Sorry I got snippy last night--I was tired, overwhelmed, cramping, and ate a Mexican tv dinner that violently did not agree with me. xoxo

2004-07-03 03:43 jenny_dreadful
Everything I just posted were MOST of the links that weren't dead from 2002, but I don't want to clog up everyone's friends page with more (the reason I posted all those was to re-archive them), so if you want to see the remaining posts from 2002 (all dead links are cleared out), go here: http://www.livejournal.com/community/vintage_sex/2002/. I'm through with 2002 as far as I'm concerned.

2004-07-02 19:26 jenny_dreadful
A lot of people are asking me about this, so I'll make a post. If you're a member now, you do not need to submit a membership request yet. I'll announce it when I'm about to delete all the members (the reason I'm doing that is because it's a lot easier for me to look at your birthdate when I get the notification email than it would be for me to go through almost 4,000 profiles, some of them belonging to people who may never come here anymore).

When the time comes for you submit your membership request, you just do it the way you did before, by clicking "To join this community, click here." I will get a notification of your request via email, check your date of birth, and if all is well, approve your membership.

2004-07-02 18:27 jenny_dreadful
Now that I've coded this journal for all posts to be automatically friends only, I have to use a roundabout way of posting publicly. So I just revised my last entry to say what I plan to do about this community. If you care, go back on your friends page to read it!

2004-07-02 17:11 jenny_dreadful
Is there any way to make everyone's future posts automatically friends only, or can that only be done when starting a new community?

YAY, ladybirdsleeps told me how! And I've done it, so everyone who is just watching this community should submit a membership request (I'm not adding people from those yet, because I'm going to delete everyone and you'd just have to submit another one--I'm just about to explain ;) ).

What I'm going to do is delete all members (except the ones I know personally and know to be over 18). Everyone who wants to rejoin, submit a membership request. Put your date of birth on your userinfo. Those who are uncomfortable with putting your date of birth on your userinfo, just put it on there and leave it there until I've seen it and approved your membership. I'll announce it when I'm about to delete the members so you guys will know when you need to submit a membership request!

Since LJ is giving me until the 9th, I'm waiting until the 11th hour to delete members, so everyone who wants to should go back and lock your past posts so I don't have to delete them. I also suggest that people go back in the archives and save the good stuff so it can be reposted later.

Yes, I will need help going through the past posts and deleting them. I don't know how long that will take with help...maybe if several people help, that can wait until the 11th hour as well. I want to give as much time as I can for people to lock posts and/or save things from the archives.

Also, several people have suggested, and I agree, that the era of things posted should be more strict. Say, 1940's and earlier. I'll revise that in the rules later. I'd like the focus to be only truly antique photographs (and any kind of interesting text/discussion from the Victorian era and first few decades of the 20th century). I know a lot of people like pictures from 1950 on--I suggest that someone start a community for those, and I will link to it from the userinfo of vintage_sex.

Something people could help me with now is going back to delete posts with dead links, so they'll already be out of the way before the final post deletions--anyone want to help?

A lot of people are asking me about this, so I'll stick it in here. If you're a member now, you do not need to submit a membership request yet. I'll announce it when I'm about to delete all the members (the reason I'm doing that is because it's a lot easier for me to look at your birthdate when I get the notification email than it would be for me to go through almost 4,000 profiles, some of them belonging to people who may never come here anymore).

When the time comes for you submit your membership request, you just do it the way you did before, by clicking "To join this community, click here." I will get a notification of your request via email, check your date of birth, and if all is well, approve your membership.

2004-07-02 02:49 jenny_dreadful
I emailed LJ Abuse a lot of questions. To the girls who say they'll tell ME their age but don't want to put it on their profile, I asked LJ about that.

I personally am confused about a "Closed Community". When I go my my settings it says:

Open Membership
Anybody can join without getting approved.

Moderated Membership
Requests to join are emailed to you for approval.

Closed Membership
Nobody can join the community

Nobody can join? What? Does that mean each person who wants to join has to email me and I can add them? Or what?

I'm considering closing vintage sex (I'll be forced to remove the public entries that no one goes back to make friends only), and starting a new vintage_sex (any ideas for names?), and then people can join in whatever way LJ forces me to do it. That way I will not have to go through almost 4,000 members, some of whom may never use LJ anymore, checking their ages. Any ideas at all?

2004-07-02 01:50 jenny_dreadful
Okay, probably as a result of my discussing it recently, some lovely soul has reported that there are users under the age of 18 on this journal. So I'm now being forced to make it a closed community. To make my job easier, PLEASE go back and edit your posts to be friends only if you do not want me to delete them--I do not havbe the capibility to do you for you, as LJ states below. If your user profile does not give an age or an age that is below 18, please fill in your age or leave the community to spare me the job of having to delete you. Please help, everybody--this community is huge and it's too big of a job for me to handle alone!

Email from LJ:

Dear LiveJournal user nadja,

It has come to the attention of the Abuse Team that your community, 'vintage_sex' contains members who are under the age of 18. As your community is an "adult" community, we must require that you, as maintainers, ensure that this does not occur.

As such, we must request at this time that you make your community into a "closed adults" community.

The steps required for running an adult community are as follows:

1. Reconfigure your community to be a closed community. For information on turning a community into a closed community, please see http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=79 .

2. Remove all users from your community who do not currently state their birthdate in their userinfo, including year, or state that they are below age eighteen. For information on removing users from communities, please see http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=84 .

3. Require that all posts to the community be friends-only, including past entries. Individual users will have to edit their posts, as this is not a capability community maintainers have. For information on turning a journal completely friends-only, including use of the console to set minimum security on future posts, please see http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=120 .

4. After a reasonable period of time, no more than 7 days, delete all entries that have not been edited by their owners. The entire community should remain friends-only from this point forward, although you may make one public post to explain the policies and purpose of the community for possible future members.

5. Require that all new members who would like to be added display their full age, including userinfo, in their profile.

Please be advised that should your community still contain public posts with adult content after 12:01 AM EDT, July 9, 2004, or should we receive further reports of minors as members of your community, we will be forced to suspend your community. While we understand the effort required in such a task, we must enforce these rules in order to protect LiveJournal, as well as you as community maintainers, from criminal prosecution or civil liability. Should you need clarification or assistance in this matter, please feel free to contact the Abuse Team.

LiveJournal Abuse Team