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App Development Companies in Singapore
2018-01-17 12:24

Unlike other countries, the mobile trend in Singapore shows, over 50% smartphone penetration in the year 2105-2016, as suggested by APAC. Further, source claims that the average smartphone user in Singapore accounts to approx 40 apps, installed at a time on a smartphone.

However, the most active apps falls in the social media category, hence, 64% of the population are active on social media, as per source. Apart from this, another major attraction is gaming Apps. Followed by the sensational, Uber, the other top ranked app includes Minecraft, Clash Royale, Monopoly, Mobile Strike and etc.

As per the easiness and concerned interest, the users are diverted towards two important OS, i.e.  Android or iOS. Hence, Mobile App Development companies in Singapore aim to focus on these popular OS to create a niche in the custom app development industry.

In this article, we will explore the distribution of iOS and Android in Singapore Market, hence, let’s find out which OS is more dominating.

Position of Apple in Singapore

For both the Business professionals and consumers, Apple offers a lot of interesting and important apps, based on the current trend and technology.

Whether, it's about marketing strategy or health related features, iOS apps best flaunts uniqueness. Not to mention, Apple is known for its class and better UI, and all its competitors know it very well. It grabs a robust presence all over Asia, especially the USA, and Singapore, a city well-known as a technology hub. Many Mobile App Development companies in Singapore, in outsource custom app developers having expertise and technical skill, in western countries.

Android as seen in Singapore

Well, the marketing strategy offered by Android is greater than that of Apple. Although, these brand move in opposite directions, with their goals, as both pose different target audience, and aims to focus more on the potential user's to maintain their brand value. Android market is open for all types of users, considering the Asian economy, hence, a majority of smartphone users today, opt Android Phones.


Choose the best Mobile App development company, highly specialized to deliver the most robust and scalable app, helping you to take your business to new horizon of success.