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Цао Lan фестиваль во Вьетнаме
2017-06-11 14:38

Each year, the 15 th, 16 th lunar month, ethnic Cao Lan in rural New commune of Quang Yen District A River Wing Fak province Vietnam organizes festival Long Tong or the curve is called the festival down copper analyze cultural values and create a joyful atmosphere for rural residents and tourists to visit visa, also known as " Vietnam via visa on Arrival ".

Festival down copper is the definition of cultural activities fine tradition Cao Lan ethnic, and an active holiday in the early spring to encourage people to preserve the culture of the nation, while encouraging ethnic increase production and create a healthy cultural life, the better.

Society should cooperate festival season, the demand for good rain and the wind, harvest, healthy people born descendants. This festival also has faith as a value of ethnographic, humanities and art ... After the ceremony the opportunity to share the technology with a variety of folk games: dance, sing such beautiful songs, sing to communicate the grace of the nation, throwing, crossbow, war, cock fighting .. . draws participants.