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Последние новости

Israel pounds Gaza, insists on ‘Hamas destruction’ as US presses roadmap
2024-06-01 14:37
Hamas open to plan announced by Biden 'based on foundation of permanent ceasefire, complete withdrawal' from Gaza.

Will the ICC T20 World Cup 2024 help cricket finally take off in the US?
2024-06-01 14:10
Cricket has been historically unsuccessful in winning over the US, so how can the T20 World Cup help flip the script?

Close race as Iceland votes to elect new president
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We need to talk about Zionism
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Children among 20 dead in boat accident in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar
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Boat carrying at least 25 people sinks while crossing a river in eastern Afghan province.

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Multiple allegations of serious offences, including murder, have hounded British soldiers in Kenya for years.

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El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele cements power as he begins second term
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After February landslide win, Bukele set to govern for another five years with near-total control of state institutions.

Russia pounds Ukrainian energy facilities with missile and drone barrage
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Bid for dominance over Asia Pacific tests US, China attempt at detente
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‘Minority exclusion’: Are Indian Muslims facing voter suppression?
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Claims of voter suppression are rising - from names missing from electoral rolls to physical violence.

Preview: USA vs Canada – ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024 opening match
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On this year’s Global Day of Parents, I still long to be with my children
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In a country that claims to be a champion of families, I remain separated from my children due to my political activism.

South Africa elections live results 2024: By the numbers on day 3
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Results show the ruling ANC will lose its majority and be forced to seek coalition partners.

Why are South Korean babies and children suing their government?
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The youngest plaintiff in the climate case against South Korea was a 20-week-old embryo.

Asia’s top security summit is under way in Singapore
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As US and China defence chiefs meet in Singapore, attention turns to rising tensions over the future of Taiwan.

Top US lawmakers invite Israel’s Netanyahu to Congress amid Gaza war
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Israeli prime minister set to deliver address to Congress despite growing anger over his government's abuses in Gaza.

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Experts fear lawsuits against pro-Palestine student groups could stifle free speech and deplete resources for activism.

Lebanon front is ‘pressuring Israel’, Hezbollah chief Nasrallah says
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Hassan Nasrallah says the battle between Hezbollah and Israel will help determine the fate of Lebanon and the region.

Biden says Israel has agreed to ‘enduring’ Gaza ceasefire proposal
2024-05-31 21:16
US president's announcement comes as he faces widespread criticism over his Gaza policy in lead-up to November election.