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Последние новости

2005-09-22 10:38 kireikeita
Hey everyone

I've joined this comm for a while but never posted. I hope you guys don't mind my blabberings.
Rei is timeless I love her.
Even though most of us would have collected every single picture of Rei I'd still like to share these 2 sites below that have almost every pic of Rei, especially the first one, it's crazy

- http://www.roze.lv/rei/
- http://mywebpages.comcast.net/juzzam1/NGEReipix.htm

I've just learnt psycho analysis in English and learnt the significance of the colour of movie characters' outfits. eg. Rei wears white, which symbols purity and divinity. Asuka wears Red, representing desires, lust, etc. Interesting hey?

So does anyone like any Rei pairing? I have a friend who loves Gendo/Rei (2 of her fav. characters) which I think is a sacrilege. I use to like Shinji/Rei but then found out what a fag he is. Kaoru and Rei have some connections but Rei still seems more superior, and definitely no Asuka/Rei. I think Rei is better off by herself 'cause she's just... untouchable, like teh goddess she is.

So that's it, nice to meet you everyone.^^

Gendou's Child.
2005-09-08 00:23 thm
A long, long, loooong time ago, I posted here about a fic that I was writing, with Rei as the protagonist; it's been a while, but here it is!


I've had a few reviews already, but I'd love a few more!

End of Eva box set.
2005-08-27 21:43 nabeshin
End of Evangelion Laserdisc box set....autographed by Kazuya Tsurumaki!
Plus artbooks and EVA tv LDs...all in one auction! (these are laserdiscs, not dvds)

Check out my auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5995920835&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT

2005-08-03 21:37 dallionvistar
Hey, new member. Evangelion is my favorite show and Rei is my (hands down) favorite character, so I figured I fit in with this group. Don't worry, I'm not gonna post bad pics, and I'll remain true to the commandments of the Rei Goddess Sanctuary.

Just to inform others, I have, on my journal, the link to the official Eva Live action movie site. I also am a memeber of the eva live action movie comunity. So any updates on that, you are welcome to access through me.

I'm just hoping they do the show justice, and if they dare mess up on how they cast and direct the movie (especially the parts concerning rei ayanami) they I'm sure we will all have a common enemy.

2005-07-05 01:37 irrect
im in love with objects and things that are not human, like my guitar and cartoon characters, whom i feel i can identify better with than any real person around.

New Member
2005-05-12 05:00 neonglowstick
I am a new member of this thread. Right now I am on my mom's computer, but I live with my dad. My computer there is packed full of stuff to do with Rei, so more will come of her soon. Happy to join!

I have,
1. Rei's theme on MP3
2. A million Icons of Rei
3. A million pictures
4. Attempts at drawing her
5. All the neongenesis books up til 9
6. A ton of web layouts featuring Rei

and much more. ^_~


Another story from your friendly neighbourhood web-librarian.
2005-05-05 03:38 thm
Random1377 is a machine; I've mentioned him before, but he's come out with a new story that involves our Rei-sama, so I thought I'd spread the good news.

This new one is called "Folded Wings", and looks to introduce a very unlikely pair; Rei...and Kaji. I've never heard of this pairing before, and I have to admit that I'm intruiged; so many writers just lump him in with Misato as per canon, and leave it at that - but then again, this is the guy that put Misato and Shinji together, and made it believable, too. It may come to nothing, since it's only early days, and from what I can tell, it might only be a short series, but it could be a very interesting story.

So if you're interested, go to www.darkscribes.org, and take a look.

2005-04-15 04:29 songwthoutwords
It's odd... you fall in love and form an actual relationship with someone, and suddenly, an anime girl with fuzzled up hair suddenly seems so uninteresting...

Don't worry, I'll still run this community (it isn't very hard... hardly anyone posts), and I'm still a huge fan of Rei.

But yeah... my fanboyness has definitely decreased.

An update on the story.
2005-04-07 16:27 thm
A little while ago, I posted about a Rei-centric story I'd written, called "Nervous Possibilities". Just wanted to say that I've been going over it, and I'm just about ready to send it to potential beta-readers.

Any takers? Keeping in mind that I don't want a horde of candidates, or it'll never get corrected! :)

2005-03-17 09:32 theburningsoul
I stumbled upon your "church" I thought I'd fit right in here. I don't yet know how to do all the cool pictures and links but I am willing to learn. I hope I will be able to add something to this "Church of Ayanami Rei".

2005-03-17 05:06 songwthoutwords
Hey... I got this a little while ago... just remembered that I should post it.

Two girls got it for me.

Checkn' in.
2005-03-17 04:30 thm
C'mon folks, it's not just me that posts here, is it?

But I have something positive (hehe) to contribute as well! A question for all of you:

What's your favourite Rei moment? C'mon, don't be shy! Come one, come all!

A brief note on a fic.
2005-03-09 04:03 thm
Well, it's been a little while. But there's good news; a few days ago I wrote (all damn night, would you believe) a new Rei/Shinji fic. It's called 'Nervous Possibilites', and I will have it typed out soon. I just thought I'd let folks know, so that I have a ready pool of beta-readers ready! That, and to make sure that the community doesn't wither away and die. 'Cause that'd suck.

Interesting item.
2005-02-20 20:32 thm
Here's something interesting that I found...a wonderful bust of Rei. Maybe a tad expensive, but being the owner of one exactly like it myself, I'd say it was worth it.

Here it is; enjoy!

Slight correction about VOAT
2005-02-11 03:13 thm
You know how I said that Variations on a Theme was terminally unfinished?

I was wrong! Go check it out!

three basic questions:
2005-02-06 16:10 taero
1. Why Rei are Goddess?
2. Did you count Her your Goddess in reallife?
3. How you can argumented that Rei are not depressive teenager that has no will?
(Rei are best of mankind, I mean ^_^ but not-animefuns can't understand that)

P.S. You answer may use spoilers.
P.P.S. Sorry, my English not so well.

2005-02-05 06:10 dilutedoblivion
Rei's definitely the best. :D

But, you know, I'm trying to make some Rei-themed LJ icons. I was wondering if anyone could provide me with words, phrases, or lyrics that you think pertain to Rei. I'd appreicate all input. Thanks again!!

Fun link.
2005-02-05 04:23 thm
This is more in a humourous vein. Newgrounds is a good place to go for funny Eva stuff; there's one dating sim they have that has to be seen to be believed! Then, there's this:
The Rei Puppet Show!

Thought everyone here might enjoy it.

2005-02-03 03:58 thm
Just a quick note; I rediscovered a great site for Rei fics; especially Rei/Shinji fics. ('Cause we all know that The Goddess of Ice is better for him than that nasty ol' German girl, right? Hehe.)

Here it is. Enjoy!

new grrrl!!!
2005-02-01 07:45 hellocthulhu
I am Kate, and I love Rei... (my entire LJ is basically dedicated to her, because alot of free time + obsession = awesomeness)

the end