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Последние новости

2009-06-22 16:44 colaborator

A new review of Journal for Plague Lovers, favourable as usual :)


james dean bradfield
2009-06-18 21:42 colaborator

you've seen this cool article?


16 icons
2009-02-12 00:03 adarutoshoppu
hey there! i've made some msp icons and would like to share. please credit when use!

see the rest here at hushandcool!

2008-11-06 09:15 expanding_soul
Manics film 'No Manifesto' being screened this Saturday, 8 November, in Sheffield. Click here.

this film needs all the support it can get so PLEASE if you can make it to Sheffield to see it, PLEASE GO!!

thank you x

2007-11-29 14:51 zoe_df
This may be a long shot but I was wondering whether anyone has just the audio from the Manics' millenium performance?
My dad has the gig on video but would love just the audio for a CD so he can listen to it in the car for example.

Any help will be highly appreciated! :)

Request For Fan Participation
2007-04-13 09:59 wibblywobblypro
We will be conducting shoots for No Manifesto, our Manic Street Preachers documentary, during the band's upcoming tour. We are still looking for questions to ask the band during a series of special fan-question-based interviews that are planned for shooting at the beginning of May. We encourage you to e-mail to WibblyWobblyProductions@yahoo.com any questions that you would like to ask band members individually, as well as ones that you would like to ask the band as a whole.

Feel free to be as concise or as wordy as you like, and ask as many questions as you want. We are looking for the widest possible variety of kinds of questions, from the serious to the frivolous. Anything from favourite songs to musical techniques to philosophical views to aesthetic tastes to stupid stories to recipes for compost to jokes to whatever you can think of. The creativity of the Manics's audience will be a crucial part of this interview, so do your worst! :)

Again, please e-mail questions to WibblyWobblyProductions@yahoo.com.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Request For Fan Questions
2007-02-03 04:45 wibblywobblypro
We are preparing for upcoming shoots with the Manics for No Manifesto, our Manic Street Preachers documentary currently in production. These shoots will take place during the time that the band is promoting and touring in connection with their upcoming album.

One of the things we will be doing during this time is conducting fan-question-based interviews with each band member. If you would like to contribute, please e-mail your questions to WibblyWobblyProductions@yahoo.com.

Thank you!

eBay auction
2007-01-21 15:21 hello_lisa
I hope this is allowed :)
I'm selling a copy of a Manic Street Preachers book - The Uses of Literacy by Jeremy Deller.

I might be selling some of their CDs and vinyl soon too. Some rare!

attn: UK fans
2006-10-14 04:05 not_waving
I have a ticket that I can't use for the James Dean Bradfield gig at London Koko on the 19th (Thursday). I bought it in the summer before I knew that one of my classes was evening based ><

I just want to make the money back from it (which I desperately need atm) so I'm willing to sell it on at face value (£15).

Anyone interested?


2006-08-17 08:30 devilpoet
so there's this newish record store in my town called volume records. i go in there every so often and buy cds for cheap (~$7 for used cds in good condition, sometimes singles and such for less than $2). i went in with some friends on saturday and was looking around and decided i was going to buy "sixteen stone" by bush. i looked around a little more and checked the M's as i've been doing in the used section of record stores for nearly the past 2 years in the hopes that they'd have some manic street preachers and what do i find? "the holy bible". i'd been looking for that for quite a while and it was the same price as the bush cd, so i bought it instead. it was definitely the right choice. i absolutely love it.

the funny thing is, when i was about to listen to it for the first time someone from the 12 tribes (a cult that owns a shop around here) asked me if it was the bible on cd. i was like "uh, no. it's just the name of the album."

i guess you had to be there. but anyway, excitingness!

also, i've been trying to figure out what the shirt richey is wearing in one of the photos in the little pamphlet that comes with the cd says. all i can make out is "marijuana will save world capitalism" but i'm not sure if that's the whole thing or if there are words missing here or there (i.e. hidden by folds or something).

now to find a copy of "generation terrorists"....

New Nicky Wire Track on the Radio tonight
2006-08-16 20:26 bloodflowerbill

click on the banner
2006-08-02 18:40 moo_cow

2006-08-01 00:17 _bloo_

Sparkle & Believe - Manics Forum

Nicky Wire to Appear on Compilation
2006-07-02 20:47 bloodflowerbill
Not sure if this has been reported yet as I have been out of the country for a week. But here's the info:

The Whirled Cup - Nicky Wire exclusive track on Anti Scene compilation this summer. Release date: 21-Aug.

Nicky Wire has contributed a song to a forthcoming collection, The Whirled Cup (download/limited August). It features some of the buzziest newer wave artists - The Betes Noires, Chet, The Darling Reds, Dexy, Dolium, Empty Vessels, The Fairies Band, Gear, Hey Gravity!, Innercity Pirates, Jonny Lives!, Korova, Lazyslave, Making Eyes At Elvis, Nebraska, The Needles, Seeing Scarlet, The Veez, White Man Kamikaze and William - at the "Share The Joy" price of a five pounds, so that people get to discover some great alternative bands. His life of wire anthem, 'Ritual No.1' - won't appear on 'I Killed The Zeitgeist', released this Autumn. More info and interviews with the artists here:
And the Nicky news here:

Nicky Wire's solo set
2006-07-02 07:19 not_waving
I have a few pictures from Nicky's set at Stay Beautiful tonight up on my Flickr.
I was lucky enough to be standing next to Mitch Ikeda for the show, so we compared photos >< I'm so lame - that excited me :D

The rest are here .

x-posted a bit.

Can this REALLY BE?!!
2006-06-23 01:17 jojoedwards
Imagine my surprise, nay - shock, when I was downloading rare Manics tracks on Sounlseek and one of them had the title: 'Nazi Punks Fuck Off', Dead Kennedys cover.

Is this really true, or is some arsehole having a laugh? It doesn't sound particularly like James singing, but there are others joining in the chorus, and some of those voices could be mistaken for welsh.

If it's fake then some moron on Soulseeks is getting a telling off.

Any ideas?

JDB's new album
2006-06-22 06:14 dxl
Here's an advance copy of James Dean Bradfield's forth-coming album The Great Western. Remember to buy it if you like it!

1. That's No Way To Tell A Lie
2. An English Gentleman
3. Bad Boys And Painkillers
4. On Saturday Morning We Will Rule The World
5. Run Romeo Run
6. Still A Long Way To Go
7. Emigre
8. To See A Friend In Tears
9. Say Hello To The Pope
10. The Wrong Beginning
11. Which Way To Kyffin


(If you don't know how to use rapidshare, just follow the directions on the page)

And if you can't unzip the file, use this program to unzip it: WinRAR

Hopefully this isn't too much trouble for you all! Enjoy.

2006-03-14 16:43 enola_bradfield
Guitar Heroes

You can vote more than once but not immediately...I think you are allowed to again after 2 or 3 hours and each time you switch your computers on. If you don't speak German don't panic - just write the 4 letters on the box and press ok.

This is the ranking so far

1. Ian Crichton - votes: 1744

2. Jimmy Page - votes: 1729

3. James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix - votes: 1263

4. Mike Oldfield - votes: 1115

5. Marcel "Jimi" Aeby - votes: 939

6. James Dean Bradfield - votes: 930

Custom Manics / Google Homepage
2006-02-19 09:18 vkxonline

-Manic Street!-

You can customize all the links and make it your homepage. If ou get lost (or just don't get it) there's also an FAQ.

left from us in Bayswater today.
2006-02-02 01:40 not_waving