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Последние новости

2004-09-20 14:26 bluejeanjexy
Please Daven/Say tehillim for my parnasa - Yael Davida bas Michal Leah, I have a job interview at 3:45, and I really really need this job.

Thank you in advance.

Siyum Ha'Shas
2004-06-30 23:02 phatjew
We are all looking forward to the Eleventh Siyum Hashas of the Daf Yomi to be held 20 Adar I, 5764 / March 1st, 2005. More than 100,000 Jews will gather worldwide to celebrate the extraordinary achievement by thousands of learning all 2,711 Dafim of the Talmud.

Please be reminded that today, June 30th, is the last day of the priority ordering period for seats at the Continental Airlines Arena and Madison Square Garden. To order pleaes call 1-888-SIYUM-11 (1-888-749-8611) until 5:00 p.m. EDST today or fax your order to 646-254-1610.

2004-06-18 02:01 phatjew
From the Agudah:

We regret to inform you of the passing of Rebbetzin Pesha Leibowitz,
wife of ybdl"c the Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, HaGaon
Harav Henach Leibowitz shlita, daughter of Moreinu Harav Avraham Trop

The levaya will be held Friday Morning, 10 am at the Rabbinical
Seminary of America / Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, 76-01 147th Street, corner
76th Avenue, in Kew Gardens Hills.

Kevura will be at Mt. Judah Cemetery in Cypress Hills, adjacent to the
Interboro Parkway.

HaMakom Yenachem Ohsom Bsoch Shaar Avelei Zion V'Yerushalayim

2004-06-01 23:21 gratefuljewhead
Are you in or ever have been in the youth group NCSY (National Conference of Synagogue Youth)? Are you interested in joining it, perhaps? Come see what all the fuss is about at ncsy!

New Community?
2004-04-20 15:14 bluejeanjexy
So, my Chasson and I have made the decision to go Chassidische through Chabad. As with any new association, I'd like to seek out my peers, so I want to make a community. For those of you interested, which would you be more apt to join?

2004-03-30 17:35 gratefuljewhead

Judaism is ahavat!

Rosh Chodesh Tov!
2004-02-23 15:30 liosho

A very Happy Rosh Chodesh Adar to all you wonderful Jews out there!

"Mishenichnas Adar, Marbim B'Simcha" (When Adar enters, our joy is increased)

2004-02-23 15:10 gratefuljewhead
please join my new community, ncsy. It'll be lots of fun!

2004-01-04 02:55 pacino1901
We work as a whole.

URGENT -- Learning L'Iuyi Nishmat
2003-10-16 20:34 liosho
I was just informed that the father of a guy I know was murdered in front of his store in downtown LA 2 nights ago. People are setting up learning Mishnayot L'Ilyui Nishmat for him until the Shloshim are over. If any of you can take time to learn in his memory, the name is Yossef Chaim ben Moshe Chaim.

May we only hear of good things in the future.

From the Agudah
2003-09-12 20:18 phatjew
We have just heard that HaRav HaGaon Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv,
shlit''a has been rushed to the hospital in Eretz Yisroel. Please say Tehillim for Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha.

Good Shabbos

Kol Koreh from Agudah
2003-08-26 03:45 phatjew
In the wake of recent devastating occurrences in the Holy Land and the dangers that continue to threaten our brothers living there, we join the Torah leadership of Eretz Yisroel and call upon our fellow Jews here, in America, to arouse the mercy of our Father in Heaven and beseech Him for mercy. Let us gather in our Batei Knessios and Batei Midrashos - in our Houses of Worship and Halls of Study - to offer the special Tefillos of Yom Kippur Kattan as well as Pirkei Tehillim on this coming Wednesday,on the Eve of Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5763.

May it be Hashem's will that our prayers be well received, and our
pleas for mercy and compassion be accepted, and that we merit yeshuos ve'nechamos - salvation and comfort - and the Geulah Sheleimah in the immediate future.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah
Agudath Israel of America

For more information, email news@agudathisrael.org

2003-07-18 20:37 phatjew
Check out tehillim.

2003-04-30 19:09 aimserraiecla
I have a question...

Does it say in the actual anywhere Tanach that G-d has no body? If so, where?

Megillah thoughts
2003-03-19 23:05 trempnvt
You know, I've always wondered about the part of the megillah where Mordechai and Esther are talking about Esther's going to the king on behalf of the Jews and she tells him to fast and get all the Jews to fast and then she'll go to the king, and "וכאשר אבדתי אבדתי" ("If I perish, I shall perish"). I've never asked anyone about it, but it's bothered me. Why does Esther say this? It sounds like she's trying to put a guilt trip over Mordechai, and I don't understand why she would say that (and in any case, why Mordechai chose to write it down in the Megillah). Any thoughts?

Also, I wonder about the second decree of the king (the one that allowed the Jews to fight back). Would it otherwise have been illegal for the Jews to defend themselves? Also, if the "advantage" that they got was merely the right to fight back, and Jews weren't killed, it was obviously a miracle. But, 1) Why would Esther and Mordechai let it go at that? If you're not allowed to rely on miracles, how could they have expected that the right to fight back would have saved the Jews? Did Achashverosh also send in troops to protect the Jews (and if so, why aren't they mentioned)? And, 2) Why is that miracle never discussed when talking about the miracle of Purim? We talk about how we would have been killed had God not caused the king to change his mind, but we don't talk about God saving the Jews from their Persian neighbors, over whom the Jews seem to have had no physical advantage. Why is that?

2003-01-26 19:20 batshua
[Cross-posted from my LJ and to various Jewish LJ communities.]

My grandmother is in the ICU. Her name is Chaya bas Rivka. They don't know if she will recover right now; we're in the "wait and pray" stage. I don't want to be in public right now. I wish I could take the week off, but I can't. Please pray for her recovery.

The Ethicist
2002-11-22 16:25 phatjew
Ethics and Ironies

by Rabbi Avi Shafran

The question in question came from a woman who had closed a deal with an Orthodox Jewish real estate agent. She became offended, though, when the otherwise "courteous and competent" man declined to shake her hand, explaining that touching a woman other than his wife violated his religious code of conduct. The offendee wanted to tear up the contract they had signed, and sought the columnist’s advice.

"Sexism is sexism," Cohen responded, "even when motivated by religious convictions." And, invoking Brown vs. Board of Education to argue that "separate is by its very nature unequal," he advised his supplicant to rip away.

2002-07-01 17:03 phatjew
An excerpt from Halakhic Man.

2002-06-20 15:05 phatjew
This has been going around since Pesach, but it is still relevant.

Dear All: For all who have not yet heard... on the radio, by phone
call, word of mouth or mail; a short while ago HaRav HaGaon Elyashiv has requested all Jews Worldwide to take several minutes out of their hectic schedules, and to say tehilim for Klal Yisrael and to daven / pray for the IDF and the State of Israel, which is now at war. Every Jewish household ---- Wordwide........ Any of the Psalms / tehilim will be of enormous help, but Psalms /Tehilim: Prakim 20, 83, 121, 130, and 142 are most appropriate. A request has also gone out from the leaders of the Jewish people that each person who hears this plea should please pass on the message to at least 3 contacts, and to ask those 3 to contact 3 others [by phone, by word, etc.] so as to reach as much of Klal Yisrael as possible. The power of tehilim is immense and in the merit of saying them (in Hebrew or English) with a full heart, may HaShem Bless us with peace, good health, security and bracha for all Klal Yisrael. Amen!!!

2002-05-02 03:53 phatjew
Shalom u'bracha.