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Последние новости

Not thinking straight
2008-11-07 10:43 joshbrown
The correct name is Yosef Daniel ben Chaya Leah

2008-11-07 10:14 joshbrown
My brother may have Hodgkins Disease.
His name is Yosef Daniel ben Yitschak.
Thanx in advance.

Please pray for...
2008-10-20 01:46 polarnik
... a 3.5 years old child, Daniel Hai Asher, son of Hila, critically ill with Leukemia and suffering from a severe allergic reaction to medications.

Worldwide Psalms for Gilad Shalit
2008-06-30 08:48 kmelion

(I know it says 'all Jews' but God hears everyone.)

2008-06-22 16:04 ruchel
Please say tehillim for Rudy, the son of the shaliach (apparently, as it is not clear), who has been very seriously attacked during shabbes (Ilan Nathan ben Maysa).

Lea Haya bat Kohava, a 5 yrs old who needs refua shelima, the doctors say only a miracle can save her from a blood disease. When hearing that, her mother lost her pregnancy. What a sad world. :(
Adina bat Sultana, a mother of 3 between life and death
Rena bat Sulika, C word

For two mothers!
2008-06-12 22:52 ruchel
Please read this. They had the intelligence to write it in Latin letters so we can all read it, so please do it!

Lirfoua chéléma Esther Routh Brakha Bat Sarah
Lirfoua chéléma Haya Léa bat Hanna

Chir lamaalote éça énaï él héharime méayine yavo ézri; ézri mé-ime ado_naïe ossé chamayime va-arets; Al yiténe lamote raglékha al yanoume chomerékha; hiné lo yanoume vélo yichane chomer yisraël; Ado_naïe chomerékha ado_naïe tsilékha al yad yéminékha; yomame hachéméche lo yakéka véyaréa'h balaïla; Adonaïe yichmorekha mikol ra yichmore éte nafchékha;Adonaïe yichmore tsétékha ouvoékha méata véade olam.

Please pray for rabbi Zeev Dashevsky
2008-05-20 13:41 manyam
A famouse rabbi and spiriual leader for thousands of FSU Jews community.

Zeev ben Polina

2008-04-04 08:43 creamchizz
A cancer patient who has been recovering well has stopped chemotherapy a month ago and had a relapse.
Please daven. Thank you very much.

Mathilde bat Buena
2008-01-30 16:03 ruchel
My grandmother, Mathilde bat Buena, needs tehillim bad. She has suddenly lost 4 teeth, front ones. She is a very looks conscious woman, and due to treatments she may not be able to attend my daughter's birthday. She is very pained, shocked and saddened over the whole thing. Thanks for any prayer and good thoughts.

Tehillim request for sibling
2007-12-30 05:30 neriah

Yonatan Erez ben Amaliah Vida

Another list I received!
2007-11-06 22:17 ruchel

Julie bat Saidou

Eli Chaim ben Far’ha Naima

Rabbi Yosef David ben ‘Hassida

Miriam bat Sarah Aisha

Ruth Mazal Chaya bat Miriam

Hallel ben Mazaltov

Yaakov Yehuda Leib ben Gitla Mesodi

Sarina bat Orosol

2007-10-10 20:50 ruchel
I received another list by email:

Lazare ben Boutkia

Sassi ben Marcelle

Rav Shimon DAHAN ben Hassiba
ben Shoushana
Arié Yossef
ben Aicha
Amirs Israel ben Adass
ben Ko'hava
Aharon ben Solh'a Rah'el
ben Rahel

Menachem Mendel ben Orly : child run over by a car

Ita bat Malka
Shanael bat Bra'ha
Hanna Bra'ha Haya bat Devorah WEIL

Rout Dalia bat Sarah

Némias ben Esther ELBAZ
Yaackov ben Rivka
bat Esther

Fredj Barouh Moché ben Ivonne

Valérie bat Marie Miriam

2007-09-30 03:03 ruchel

Haim Nahman Yosef ben Faigy Yuta : little boy who had a moutain accident

Mazaltov bat Tamar

Fortunée Shimona bat Varda

Yehuda Leon ben Mezala

Hava Rahel Haya bat Avigael Simha: 5 yr old who has leukemia

Hanna bat Rosalie

Shimon ben Hassiba

Miriam Haya bat Oreda

Yosef ben Emma

Aziza bat Yuli: very critical state

2007-09-10 01:40 ruchel
I was told to pass around these names;

Nissim ben Yitzhak

Messaoud ben Mimoun

Tema Kaila bat Sorle

Aharon ben Sarah

Sholom Dov Ber ben Fatima

Dina bat Djora

Maina bat Pia Shelbia, intestine surgery

Messaouda bat Simcha

Messaouda Chamsa bat Gittele

Frecha bat Pracha

Moshico ben Linda Sol

Chaya Moushka Shole bat Zelda Slove

Rochi bat Rochi

thank you!

2007-08-05 19:39 bluejeanjexy
Please say Tehillim for Orah Meital Bas Bellah - her Kapitel is 16.  She was in a car accident and is in surgery right now.  It's serious enough that they changed her name.
With your help, she should have a Refuah Shleimah RIGHT NOW!!!

2007-08-02 23:08 ruchel

Please say tehillim 20 for:

ben Shoushana
Arieh Yossef
ben Aicha
Amir Israel
ben Adass
ben Kochava
Aharon ben
Solcha Rachel
ben Rahel
ben Ninette ZAKINE
ben Marcelle

Avraham Vaaba
ben Victoria who needs a liver transplant quick !


Myriam bat Luna
Chava bat Messaouda

Ita bat Malka
Shanael bat Bracha
Hanna Bracha Haya bat Devorah WEIL
Rout Dalia bat Sarah
Tita Esther bat Alegra
Elisheva Tamar bat Rivka

Please say tehillim for:

Yoni ben Avraham, a 3 years old :(

Yossef Its'hak ben Myriam

 Peretz ben Alia

2007-08-02 03:41 ruchel
I have just received this from a friend who wants people to pray for his grandfather, at least psalm 20. He would also like someone to dedicate a Torah lesson for his refua sheleima, tzedaka...

Yechia ben Rachma

He is a father, grandfather and great grandfather of many. He went through very difficult surgery.

2007-07-30 19:00 ruchel
I was told to pass around the following names, for refua sheleima:

Jamila bat Gemara OUIZEMAN
Avraham ben Shalom BOUTEBOUL
Daniella Hanina bat Esther WEISS
Fortunée bat Nina
Moshe ben Berthe (brain surgery, between life and death)
Odelia bat Efrat (pregnant, must go through surgery)
Simcha bat Esther
Messodi bat Orovida
Chanania ben Solika
Meyer ben Moshe Yadan
Riva Pedut bat Precha

Thank you!

Tehillim Needed
2007-07-12 10:25 kmelion
For Evyatar Mordechai ben Malka Sultana, a 17 year old boy who sustained a serious brain injury in a collision when the driver of the car he was in fell asleep at the wheel and swerved into oncoming traffic.

2007-04-20 00:36 tourogal
Please add


to your tehillim lists.