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Последние новости

Please help me choose...
2010-04-27 18:30 s13konel
I have to pick five of these to submit to a group art show. Here's a link to my LJ where the poll is and thank you very much in advance :)


Show info to follow :D

Lagan Plates
2010-03-05 17:28 raydg
I have 38 lagan plates from the Uzbekistan area, central Asia which are for serving dishes and meals. They are large, 33cm in diameter and five different patterns which are painted by hand. The price is $50 for each.

Send me a message with any inquiries.

Japanese medieval farce - kyogen in Russian theatre
2010-03-02 10:57 gnezdooffice

Konstantin Kartashov as monk
Yevgeny Yelsukov as parishioner

director Alexander Gnezdilov

operator and editor Andrey Babayev

My Art
2009-10-31 01:35 s13konel
Hi, I just joined and I'm amazed at everyone else's art. I've posted a lot of other pieces and art-in-progress on my LJ so if you like, please check it out.

Chinese art
2009-07-13 20:56 princessmai

Hello I created a new community that focuses on Chinese art and culture.
Here is one sample of a painting from Tang dynasty (click onto picture to fullview):

If you are interested in more Chinese paintings in history you are welcome to join this community:
Here at China Lover

Toshiro Mifune/Akira Kurosawa
2009-05-26 05:29 matchsticks_p
I put together a picspam of Toshiro Mifune, particularly highlighting The Bad Sleep Well, Yojimbo, and the legendary Seven Samurai. Thought you lot might enjoy it.

Toshiro fucking Mifune picspam, fuck

he could eat Clint Eastwood for breakfast and Steve McQueen for a snack...

Utamaro event in Bath UK
2009-01-09 15:32 meaa_bath

  Wednesday 21st January
 5.30 - 7.30pm

 Utamaro expert Gina Collia-Suzuki gives an  insightful talk on Utamaro's depicitions of  real-life Japanese men and women, focusing  on his series of ill-fated lovers.                              
Her new book Utamaro Revealed will be  available for purchase and signing. 
  Cost £5 - please book 5 days in advance.

For more information or to book a place please contact The Museum of East Asian Art  01225 464640 or info@meaa.org.uk

Zeng Hao Dun Huang
2008-12-12 12:25 ex_skymonk

2008-12-12 09:26 dharamnuba

2008-12-10 04:55 dharamnuba

also in phnom penh

2008-12-10 04:53 dharamnuba

temple mural in phnom penh

photo by my wife

taken from her website


Buddhist Iconography talk at the Museum of East Asian Art, Bath UK
2008-11-25 13:28 meaa_bath

Thursday 4th December
    2pm – 4pm

    A talk by Mongolian miniature painting collector, Edd Thomas,
looking at Buddhist iconography and its uses in society from a Mongolian perspective!
Edd Thomas has loaned the Museum of East Asian Art part of his vast collection of Tibetan Buddhist Miniature Paintings, which form the current Images of Devotion Exhibition.  It is from these and his extensive travels in Mongolia that Edd draws inspiration for this talk.

Cost £6 – Please book 5 days in advance
For more details or to book a place please contact the Museum of East Asian Art
  01225 464640

12 Bennett Street, Bath BA1 2QJ, UK

Tashi Lhunpo monks create sand mandala at Museum of East Asian Art, Bath UK
2008-10-06 19:43 meaa_bath

Tashi Lhunpo Monks create Sand Mandala
at the Museum of East Asian Art
14th - 19th October 2008

As part of the Museum of East Asian Art’s Season of Tibet and associated exhibition COSMIC DESIGN: TIBETAN MANDALA (9th September – 9th December), we will be welcoming eight monks from the world renowned Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in India, from 14th- 19th of October. The monks will spend six days creating a Tara mandala out of sand.

During the six days the monks will also be hosting an hour-and-a-half workshop that will be repeated three times over the week to give as many visitors as possible the chance to take part. The workshop will teach various monastic crafts, such as sand mandala making, Tibetan calligraphy, butter sculpting and prayer flag printing. All participants will leave with their own prayer flag. The workshops will be held as follows:
Wednesday 15th October: 12noon – 1.30pm
Friday 17th October: 3pm – 4.30pm
Saturday 18th October: 10.30am – 12noon

Each workshop will cost £5 per person. To book a place please contact the Museum at least five days in advance. However, as we expect interest in the workshops to be high, please book early to avoid disappointment.

The DESTRUCTION OF THE MANDALA will take place from 10.30 am ON SUNDAY 19th OCTOBER, with the sand then being carried in a procession to Pulteney Bridge/Parade Gardens, where it will be poured into the River Avon. Places at the destruction ceremony will be limited and are available on a first come basis on the day. All are welcome to join the procession to Pulteney Bridge.

A “Mandala Ticket” is available and will entitle the holder to unlimited visits from the 14th to 19th of October to view the progress of the mandala. To book onto a workshop or to purchase a Mandala ticket please contact or visit the Museum.

For more information contact
The Museum of East Asian Art
on 01225 464640 or email

Chinese Art Workshop in Bath UK
2008-10-06 14:55 meaa_bath

Chinese Arts Workshop

at the Museum of East Asian Art 

Workshop with Chinese artist and teacher Ai Li Purdey,
introduces you to the basics of chinese calligraphy and brush painting.

Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world.  Painting in the traditional style is today known in Chinese as guó huà 国画, meaning 'national' or 'native painting', in opposition to Western styles of art which became popular in China in the 20th century.
 Traditional painting involves essentially the same techniques as calligraphy and is done with a brush dipped in black or colored ink; oils are not used. As with calligraphy, the most popular materials on which paintings are made of paper and silk. The finished work is then mounted on scrolls, which can be hung or rolled up. Traditional painting also is done in albums and on walls, lacquerwork, and other media.

Cost - £20 - please book five days in advance

Saturday 11th October 2008
12noon - 4.30pm
(with 45 min lunch break)

Chinese Art Workshop in Bath, UK
2008-09-29 14:30 meaa_bath

Chinese Arts Workshop

at the Museum of East Asian Art 
12 Bennett Street, BATH BA1 2QJ

Workshop with Chinese artist and teacher Ai Li Purdey,
introducing you to the basics of chinese calligraphy and brush painting.

Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world.  Painting in the traditional style is today known in Chinese as guó huà 国画, meaning 'national' or 'native painting', in opposition to Western styles of art which became popular in China in the 20th century.
 Traditional painting involves essentially the same techniques as calligraphy and is done with a brush dipped in black or colored ink; oils are not used. As with calligraphy, the most popular materials on which paintings are made of paper and silk. The finished work is then mounted on scrolls, which can be hung or rolled up. Traditional painting also is done in albums and on walls, lacquerwork, and other media.

Cost - £20 - please book five days in advance

Saturday 11th October 2008
12noon - 4.30pm
(with 45 min lunch break)

Chinese Classic
2008-07-27 13:45 alwdis

Xu Beihong - see more

White on White
2008-06-07 14:29 alwdis
There are Japanese belts - fukuro obi


2008-05-22 13:08 alwdis
Just one kimono

(click to enlarge)

2008-04-21 23:48 acida


Sheng Qi
2008-04-21 20:51 madapostle
Sheng Qi, born in 1965, came to public attention in 1985 as a member of China's "New Art Movement;" he was also involved in the Student's Movement, which ended with the tragic Tiananmen Square Massacre. Disheartened by the Tiananmen Square Massacre, Sheng Qi cut off his little finger and burried it in a flower pot before leaving China for Rome. However, Sheng Qi continues to draw on Chinese culture and history for inspiration despite his overwhelming anguish; it is easy to sense an inherent love--an thus, concern--for China in his art. Sheng Qi's art depicts the feelings of Chinese diasporics accurately: it is difficult to love a country whose history has been riddled with violence; yet, it is impossible to hate the country from which you came. Sheng Qi's paintings depict images of suffering--one painting illustrates hungry children--to images of pride--another painting pertains to China's first astronaut. The artist reminds his viewers that China and Chinese feeling is complex and cannot be reduced to anything but an image that records what the eye sees and the heart feels.

National Funeral; Acrylic; 200x300cm; at the 798 Avant Gallery

Unfortunately, Sheng Qi's site, fourfinger.net, is down. I do not know if the downtime is due to censorship, but I hope his site will be back online in the future. Many of his works, including sculpture work, is available for viewing at 798 Avant Gallery, which exhibits contemporary Chinese artists. You can contact him through his e-mail address, shengqi110 @ yahoo . com . cn.

Please credit Sheng Qi if you want to use the following icons so others may be made aware of his work; in addition, please credit madapostle so other people can find this post and learn more about him. Thank you!

( 38 total )