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Последние новости

Positive Junk (2 demos + LP)
2015-02-03 16:49 vova_svin
Британская группа Positive Junk успела навести шороху в 2014 году, выпустив целых две демки и полноформатный альбом. Сферический крэк рок в вакууме!

2014 - S/T Demo

1. Positive Junk - 9000 Actions (2:46)
2. Positive Junk - Positive Drug Story (1:54)
3. Positive Junk - I.T.G.S.E.T.B.S (3:40)

2014 - Do it, Kill Yourself!

1. Positive Junk - Never Stop [The Infested] (2:25)
2. Positive Junk - Suicide (A Better Way) [Choking Victim] (2:49)
3. Positive Junk - The Right to Die/In Hell [The Infested & Choking Victim] (4:33)

2014 - Misanthropy

1. Positive Junk - Intro (0:59)
2. Positive Junk - Sent To Coventry (2:52)
3. Positive Junk - What Is This Life? (3:43)
4. Positive Junk - Positive Drug Story (2:12)
5. Positive Junk - The Last Three Years (Ft. Gang Control) (2:38)
6. Positive Junk - Inhale The Goodshit, Exhale The Bullshit! (3:46)
7. Positive Junk - 9000 Actions (2:46)
8. Positive Junk - Blood Money (2:25)
9. Positive Junk - Too Many Cops, Too Little Justice (4:08)
10. Positive Junk - Autocracy (2:30)
11. Positive Junk - Ill Gotten Gains (Ft. Officer Down) (4:06)

320 kbps, 123 Mb

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PositveJunk
Bandcamp: https://positivejunk.bandcamp.com

The Poseurs - 2014 - Disco
2014-11-23 21:36 vova_svin
Все на танцпол!
Без лишних слов представляем наш новый альбом под названием "Disco". Мы посвящаем его всем, кто думает, самовыражается и просто радуется жизни в то время, когда даже простая улыбка способна вызвать осуждение со стороны.

2014 - Disco

1. The Poseurs - Шум (Noise) (0:56)
2. The Poseurs - Зажечь беду вокруг себя (Unleash Trouble Around You) (2:30)
3. The Poseurs - Когда я проснусь (When I Wake Up) (2:28)
4. The Poseurs - 1968 (2:58)
5. The Poseurs - Нет идей (No Idea) (2:05)
6. The Poseurs - Каждый день (Every Single Day) (2:07)
7. The Poseurs - Чёрные вороны отчаяния (Black Crows Of Despair) (0:59)
8. The Poseurs - Без остановки (Non-Stop) (3:46)
9. The Poseurs - Ради чего (What For) (3:05)

320 kbps, 51.8 Mb
Скачать: http://rusfolder.com/42290568
Скачать: http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/4019773/file.html
Скачать/купить: https://theposeurs.bandcamp.com/album/disco
Купить на iTunes: http://vk.cc/3bb486
Купить на Google Play: http://vk.cc/3bb3On

VK: https://vk.com/theposeurs
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theposeurs
Bandcamp: http://theposeurs.bandcamp.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/theposeurs

Dead Rejects - 2014 - This Is Killing Me
2014-06-23 22:45 vova_svin
Новый альбом Dead Rejects тут как тут!

2014 - This Is Killing Me

1. Dead Rejects - Chosen Undead (0:38)
2. Dead Rejects - Hollowed Out (3:34)
3. Dead Rejects - Turning 20 Something [Feat. Atrocity Solution] (3:53)
4. Dead Rejects - Dead Already (2:44)
5. Dead Rejects - Dying Days (4:25)
6. Dead Rejects - Punk Rock Is Stupid (2:22)
7. Dead Rejects - Bury Me (2:06)
8. Dead Rejects - Nowhere Bound (4:00)
9. Dead Rejects - Death Before Decaf (3:51)
10. Dead Rejects - This Is Killing Me (2:40)
11. Dead Rejects - Write On (5:02)
12. Dead Rejects - A Perfect Waste Of Time (5:14)

320 kbps, 77.7 Mb

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DeadRejectsNJ
Bandcamp: http://deadrejectsnj.bandcamp.com

Dead Rejects (new song!)
2014-05-29 22:33 vova_svin
Новая песня с грядущего альбома, который вот-вот уже выйдет!

1. Dead Rejects - Turning 20 Something (feat. Atrocity Solution) (3:53)

320 kbps, 8.91 Mb
https://soundcloud.com/deadrejectsnj/turning-20-something-master (WAV)

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DeadRejectsNJ
Bandcamp: http://deadrejectsnj.bandcamp.com

Corporation - 2014 - Shadows Of The Corporation
2014-04-22 23:34 vova_svin
Новый и последний альбом канадцев The Corporation.

2014 - Shadows Of The Corporation

1. Corporation - Bank Korrupt (3:22)
2. Corporation - Quarter Life Crisis (2:02)
3. Corporation - Venom (2:57)
4. Corporation - I Hate The Radio (3:20)
5. Corporation - 9 To 5 (2:17)
6. Corporation - Menstrual Envy (4:26)
7. Corporation - Jesus and Santa (1:25)
8. Corporation - You Lose (2:13)
9. Corporation - Last Call (3:20)
10. Corporation - Consider This My Resignation (2:36)
11. Corporation - Bonus Track (0:30)

59.4 Mb, V0

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Corporation/6139628466

Molotov Compromise
2014-03-31 17:28 vova_svin
Группа Molotov Compromise существует с 2007 года и не перестаёт выдавать злой и мощный ска-кор.

2008 - My Life Has Value

1. Molotov Compromise - Intro (2:11)
2. Molotov Compromise - Ultra Marine (2:41)
3. Molotov Compromise - Enough Is Enough (3:16)
4. Molotov Compromise - Calling All Cars (1:56)
5. Molotov Compromise - Bread (1:45)
6. Molotov Compromise - Roll Your Eyes (1:39)
7. Molotov Compromise - Satan's Bail (1:40)
8. Molotov Compromise - My Life (2:23)
9. Molotov Compromise - Religious Profiteers (3:12)
10. Molotov Compromise - Skate! (1:50)
11. Molotov Compromise - No Allegaince (9:20)

320 kbps, 71.5 Mb

2009 - Pax Empire EP

1. Molotov Compromise - Were In For A Fight (2:14)
2. Molotov Compromise - How Are We Supposed To Breathe (2:00)
3. Molotov Compromise - Its Up To All Of Us (2:55)
4. Molotov Compromise - Skate (1:51)

320 kbps, 20.5 Mb

2010 - Chestpains

1. Molotov Compromise - It Doesn't Matter (2:34)
2. Molotov Compromise - The Chorus Remains (2:16)
3. Molotov Compromise - Death is Eminent (2:01)
4. Molotov Compromise - Crossroad (3:33)
5. Molotov Compromise - Before It's Gone (2:49)
6. Molotov Compromise - Do What's Right (3:20)
7. Molotov Compromise - Faith, Fame and Fortune (1:46)
8. Molotov Compromise - How Are We Supposed to Breathe? (1:56)
9. Molotov Compromise - So Called Equality (3:22)
10. Molotov Compromise - Turtle Vs. Snake (3:14)
11. Molotov Compromise - Oppressed Existance (3:01)
12. Molotov Compromise - Going Home (3:33)

320 kbps, 77.2 Mb

2013 - Demo tracks

1. Molotov Compromise - Broadcasting (2:26)
2. Molotov Compromise - Drowning (2:26)
3. Molotov Compromise - The Feeding of the Vultures (2:03)

V0, 7.54 Mb

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MolotovCompromise
Bandcamp: http://www.molotovcompromise.bandcamp.com
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/molotovcompromise

Big Brother - 2014 - Ministry of Truth LP
2014-03-16 17:53 vova_svin
Группа Big Brother была образована бывшими участниками каданской скакор-формации Ghetto Blaster.

2014 - Ministry of Truth LP

1. Big Brother - W.D.A.M.O (What Dreams Are Made Of) ft Jason Nagy (1:59)
2. Big Brother - Eco-Crisis (All I want for Christmas is the End of the World) (2:02)
3. Big Brother - The Labyrinth (1:50)
4. Big Brother - Kids of the Sun (2:25)
5. Big Brother - Slave Wages (2:11)
6. Big Brother - Cast Overboard (2:58)
7. Big Brother - Cuming to Clarity Ft The Cliteral Hoodrat AKA Jacob Scrub? (2:50)
8. Big Brother - Sucking Chest Wound (1:52)

320 kbps, 36 Mb

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BigBrotherTo

Beng Beng Goes Electric - 2014 - Beng Beng Goes ElectriK
2014-02-05 22:59 vova_svin
Без лишних слова предлагаем вашему вниманию альбом группы Beng Beng Goes Electric – "электрического" сайд-проекта группы Beng Beng Cocktail!

2014 - Beng Beng Goes ElectriK

1. Beng Beng Goes Electric - I support the atheists (1:27)
2. Beng Beng Goes Electric - More riots (2:33)
3. Beng Beng Goes Electric - Galvanize (2:11)
4. Beng Beng Goes Electric - Knights of the Change (2:57)
5. Beng Beng Goes Electric - The Minimum Meaning Of Life (3:39)
6. Beng Beng Goes Electric - DIY Goes Electric (4:01)
7. Beng Beng Goes Electric - Controlling the third world (3:34)
8. Beng Beng Goes Electric - Breathe (3:18)
9. Beng Beng Goes Electric - Don't Hold Back (4:17)
10. Beng Beng Goes Electric - This is the end - Thanx for everything (1:33)
11. Beng Beng Goes Electric - Demo from New Project (no bass, no vocals, no mix) (4:02)

320 kbps, 79 Mb

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bengbengelectric
Bandcamp: http://bengbenggoeselectric.bandcamp.com

Beng Beng Goes Electric (new track)
2014-01-01 13:50 vova_svin
Новогодний сюрприз! Трек с грядущего альбома проекта Beng Beng Goes Electric!
Напомним, что Beng Beng Goes Electric является "электрическим" сайд-проектом группы Beng Beng Cocktail.

1. Beng Beng Goes Electric - I Support The Atheists (1:27)

V0, 3.16 Mb

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bengbengelectric

Atrocity Solution - 2013 - Lost Remedies
2013-12-17 18:02 vova_svin
Новый альбом Atrocity Solution! Один из самых долгожданных релизов 2013 года, с чем всех и поздравляем.

Комментарий от группы: "Reigning from barren north woods of the midwest, Atrocity Solution's "Lost Remedies" has pushed well beyond the boundaries of the crack rock steady genre.
The ska will make you dance, the thrash will make you mosh, the epicness will make your heart sink into your chest and the anthemic vocals will have you singing for days. But there's also hints of crust that will make your floors shake, Doom that will crash down like lighting and boom like thunder under your feet, and a whole bunch more of different genres that mend together to create what they've become today. "Lost Remedies" will no doubt, leave an imprint on your outlook of the ska punk genre."

2013 - Lost Remedies

1. Atrocity Solution - The Introduction Pt. 2 (3:52)
2. Atrocity Solution - Equally Diseased (4:56)
3. Atrocity Solution - Picking Up The Pieces (3:51)
4. Atrocity Solution - Panic State (4:07)
5. Atrocity Solution - Let Us Remember (3:58)
6. Atrocity Solution - Lost Remedy (1:02)
7. Atrocity Solution - Watch The World Burn (4:06)
8. Atrocity Solution - Banshee (3:31)
9. Atrocity Solution - Ancient Roads (5:35)
10. Atrocity Solution - Whithering Away (3:19)
11. Atrocity Solution - When We're Dead (4:09)
12. Atrocity Solution - Take This To Your Grave (5:36)
13. Atrocity Solution - Well Wish (2:23)
14. Atrocity Solution - Fallacy Of Ruin (12:52)

320 kbps, 146 Mb

Buy CD & support:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Atrocity-Solution/107367989323
Bandcamp: http://atrocitysolution.bandcamp.com
Bigcartel: http://atrocitysolution.bigcartel.com

Still Alive - 2013 - United By Defiance
2013-12-11 18:05 vova_svin
Предлагаем вашему вниманию маленькую, но очень крутую ипишку от Still Alive! В наличии две новые песни и кавер на Suicide Machines.

2013 - United By Defiance

1. Still Alive - United By Defiance (3:26)
2. Still Alive - Deny (2:25)
3. Still Alive - Capsule (AKA Requiem For The Stupid Human Race) *Bonus Suicide Machines Cover* (1:54)

320 kbps, 15.9 Mb

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/stillalivechicago
Bandcamp: http://stillalive.bandcamp.com
Tumblr: http://stillalivechicago.tumblr.com/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/stillalivehardcore
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/stillalivemusic

Thee Infidels - 2013 - Evilution
2013-09-24 12:11 vova_svin
Замечательный альбом немцев Thee Infidels.

2013 - Evilution

1. Thee Infidels - Intro (1:46)
2. Thee Infidels - Ego (1:53)
3. Thee Infidels - Not My Life (2:30)
4. Thee Infidels - Idiocrazy feat. The Infested (2:49)
5. Thee Infidels - Day On Replay (2:52)
6. Thee Infidels - Crossing Borders (2:34)
7. Thee Infidels - This Is Evolution (2:18)
8. Thee Infidels - Global Unity feat. Night Gaunts + the Stupid Stupid Henchmen (3:03)
9. Thee Infidels - Puppet Of Society (3:27)
10. Thee Infidels - The Life Of An Optimist (2:35)
11. Thee Infidels - Misery Loves Company (3:35)

320 kbps, 69.7 Mb

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theeinfidels
Bandcamp: http://theeinfidels.bandcamp.com
BigCartel: http://theeinfidels.bigcartel.com
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/theeinfidels

Braindead - 2013 - Libertalia
2013-08-19 14:55 vova_svin
Дождались в хорошем качестве новый альбом замечательных Braindead из Германии! Интересный факт о названии альбома: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertatia

Слушаем, качаем, репостим!

2013 - Libertalia

1. BrainDead - Man Enough (2:41)
2. BrainDead - Soy, Not Oi (1:54)
3. BrainDead - Textbook Revolutions (3:42)
4. BrainDead - No Change Will Come (1:10)
5. BrainDead - It's All Coming Down (4:09)
6. BrainDead - Like A Mirror (3:00)
7. BrainDead - Break The Mold (2:04)
8. BrainDead - Work And Toil (1:21)
9. BrainDead - Rise From Below (0:51)
10. BrainDead - Choking On Your Fumes (3:04)
11. BrainDead - Push 'Em Back (5:09)

320 kbps, 67.8 Mb

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/braindeadskacore
Bandcamp: http://braindeadpunk.bandcamp.com
Website: http://www.braindead666.com
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/braindeadshit

The Infested - Waster (unreleased track)
2013-07-15 11:29 vova_svin

Неизданный трек The Infested. Записан во время сессий для альбома "Myths, Lies And Hypocrites". Был забракован по причине косяков во время записи.
Чуть подробнее: http://andrewgriggmusic.com/2013/07/rare-the-infested-song/

The Infested - Waster (2:36)

256 kbps, 4.77 Mb

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theinfested2004
Bandcamp: http://theinfested.bandcamp.com
Bigcartel: http://www.theinfested.bigcartel.com

Still Alive - 2013 - My Own Hell
2013-07-02 09:54 vova_svin
Злая и приметаленная новая EP-шка от группы Still Alive из Чикаго ждёт вашего прослушивания!

2013 - My Own Hell

1. Still Alive - Reach For The Sky (2:06)
2. Still Alive - My Own Hell (3:32)
3. Still Alive - Enemy Planes (4:01)
4. Still Alive - Dead End (2:58)
5. Still Alive - Conscious Coma (3:02)
6. Still Alive - Just Like You Asked (3:01)
7. Still Alive - Took My Place (3:20)

320 kbps, 52.1 Mb

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/stillalivechicago
Bandcamp: http://stillalive.bandcamp.com
Tumblr: http://stillalivechicago.tumblr.com/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/stillalivehardcore
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/stillalivemusic

The Infested - 2013 - Eaten From The Inside
2013-06-24 15:05 vova_svin
Новый альбом британцев The Infested только у нас! "Eaten From The Inside" вышел на EHC Records и придётся по душе старым поклонникам группы, а также тем, кто их слышит впервые.

2013 - Eaten From The Inside

1. The Infested - Begin The Infestation (1:57)
2. The Infested - Wake Up (4:43)
3. The Infested - Nightmare (3:21)
4. The Infested - A Thousand Lies (3:35)
5. The Infested - Anti-Choice? (3:43)
6. The Infested - Deficit (Our Generation) (2:49)
7. The Infested - Backstabber (3:49)
8. The Infested - Demon (3:26)
9. The Infested - Can't Forget (4:24)
10. The Infested - Never Comin' Back (4:31)
11. The Infested - Eaten From The Inside (4:34)
12. The Infested - Who I Am (4:31)
13. The Infested - Nightmare (Part Two) (3:12)
14. The Infested - Waiting Game (6:19)
15. The Infested - The End (11:04)

320 kbps, 121.4 Mb

Buy CD: http://www.theinfested.bigcartel.com/product/the-infested-eaten-from-the-inside

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theinfested2004
Bandcamp: http://theinfested.bandcamp.com
Bigcartel: http://www.theinfested.bigcartel.com

EHC Records: http://www.facebook.com/ehcrecords

Cot Death - 2007 - Digital Cacophony of Global Decay (pre-From The Cradle To The Rave)
2013-05-20 23:12 vova_svin
Cot Death - группа, собранная вокалистом My Own Religion и DJ Crew Pangea. Записав EP и отыграв несколько концертов, проект завершает своё существование. Логическим продолжением Cot Death становится группа From The Cradle To The Rave.

2007 - Digital Cacophony of Global Decay

1. Cot Death - Your God is Dead (4:53)
2. Cot Death - Another Sunny Day In Guantanamo Bay (5:14)
3. Cot Death - The Digital Cacophony Of Global Decay (6:05)
4. Cot Death - Blood Is Thicker Than Oil (6:26)

320 kbps, 52 Mb

MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/thecotdeathproject

Luvdump - 2013 - Age Of Austerity
2013-05-19 21:35 vova_svin
Скакор-май в самом разгаре! Предлагаем вашему вниманию свежий и бодрый альбом от британцев Luvdump.

2013 - Age Of Austerity

1. Luvdump - Intro (1:28)
2. Luvdump - No Borders (2:24)
3. Luvdump - Who Decides The Truth (3:23)
4. Luvdump - Cutting Class (4:24)
5. Luvdump - For What Price (2:35)
6. Luvdump - Religion... (4:24)
7. Luvdump - Travel On (2:54)
8. Luvdump - Existence (2:25)
9. Luvdump - Farm The Land (3:08)
10. Luvdump - Burn The Banks (3:48)
11. Luvdump - People At Peace (Change) (4:46)
12. Luvdump - Coming Down (3:14)
13. Luvdump - Some Day (4:51)
14. Luvdump - Outro (2:37)

320 kbps, 107 Mb

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LUVDUMP
Bandcamp: http://luvdump.bandcamp.com

Dead Rejects - 2013 - Positively Depressing
2013-05-18 16:28 vova_svin
Молодая американская группа "Dead Rejects" выпустила новую EP! Как и в случае с Ghetto Blaster, эта работа качественно лучше предыдущих.

2013 - Positively Depressing

1. Dead Rejects - If Only I Could Be So Grossly Incandescent... (0:34)
2. Dead Rejects - Rude Girls Know What's Good (2:55)
3. Dead Rejects - Dead End Town (3:04)
4. Dead Rejects - Drunk Again (1:40)
5. Dead Rejects - Token Song About Cops (2:15)
6. Dead Rejects - From The Inside Out (4:34)
7. Dead Rejects - Positively Depressing (6:14)

51 Mb, 320 kbps

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DeadRejectsNJ
Bandcamp: http://deadrejectsnj.bandcamp.com

Ghetto Blaster - 2013 - Tales From Twisted Minds
2013-05-16 14:51 vova_svin
Очень качественная EP-шка от канадцев Ghetto Blaster! С каждым новым релизом их музыка становится более интересной.

2013 - Tales From Twisted Minds

1. Ghetto Blaster - Zombie State (2:04)
2. Ghetto Blaster - Fall of a Civilization (4:21)
3. Ghetto Blaster - When Living Ain`t Enough (3:55)
4. Ghetto Blaster - Psychological Warfare (2:37)
5. Ghetto Blaster - Nothing To Save (3:20)
6. Ghetto Blaster - Outro (1:13)


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GhettoBlasterTo
Bandcamp: http://www.ghettoblasterska.bandcamp.com/
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/ghettoblasterto
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/ghettoblasterto