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Последние новости

The Little Man
2010-08-22 19:51 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

The Little Man

Finally, another shot of my little guy. Right after his shower and watching tv. He goes to get his immunizations for middle school tomorrow....wow. He's growing up way too fast. A haircut is on our list of things to do after the doctor tomorrow.

Flash set up SB800 camera left at 1/16 power, bounced from white reflector (42inch)

Nikon D700
50 1.4G lens
ISO 640
Aperture-F 3.2
Shutter speed- 1/200

Sitting for a spell and watching the cows
2010-06-26 04:49 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

Sitting for a spell and watching the cows

That's HIS look.....all HIS
2010-06-26 04:48 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

That's HIS look.....all HIS

I think everyone from Kentucky has a John Deere hat....or at least they should :)
2010-06-26 04:48 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

I think everyone from Kentucky has a John Deere hat....or at least they should :)

2010-01-18 12:46 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:


Ok, so I know the pose is a bit cheesy and all. But, I love this because he gave a full genuine smile and actually showed his teeth! Yeah, it may sound crazy but there isn't another single photo on my stream of his teeth showing when he smiles.

2010-01-15 07:02 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:


Yes, he turned eleven last Sunday. It's so bittersweet to see him growing up. I miss the little boy who used to crash his cars across the kitchen floor, and occasionally scribble on the refrigerator with crayons. I also love seeing the wonderful, sweet, and extremely smart young man he is becoming. I love seeing his straight A report cards, and hear him talk about being a chef and owning his own restaurant one day.

This kid is going places, and I know that no matter how far he goes he will always be close to his mama.

2009-12-24 09:53 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

My son...
2009-11-30 07:35 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

My son...

There is no other as wonderful or perfect as you. In my eyes you hang the moon and stars, and make the world turn as well. Heck, I don't even think the sun would shine without you around. My love for you is absolute.

A Tiny Friend
2009-11-08 13:00 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

A Tiny Friend

Jamie found this little guy (or girl?) hanging out on a tree and felt sorry for it because it was missing part of a leg. He's such a sensitive little soul.

2009-11-08 08:43 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

2009-10-11 11:00 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

2009-10-11 10:59 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

2009-10-11 10:58 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

Mission Accomplished
2009-10-08 11:58 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

Mission Accomplished

Jamie found his perfect pumpkin, and we only had to walk through the patch for 40 minutes-lol

2009-10-08 09:22 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:


Even with a little chill in the air we don't mind taking our shoes off, kicking back and taking in the beautiful fall colors.

Cloud reflections in his eyes
2009-10-05 05:31 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

Cloud reflections in his eyes

make some nice catchlights.

Taking a break
2009-10-04 10:36 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

Taking a break

He finally got tired after riding his scooter for an hour straight, and decided to rest for a few minutes. I love capturing him this way.

Just boy stuff....
2009-10-04 07:34 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

Just boy stuff....

Hanging out with the birds

The last days of summer
2009-09-24 18:56 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

The last days of summer

Should be savored with all of our senses. Our sight, smell, touch, sound, and even taste. Once it's gone we long for all of those wonderful sensations of summer to satisfy our senses during the cold winter months.

2009-09-09 12:18 nobody@flickr.com (Dawn Gordon)

Dawn Gordon posted a photo:

So we're hanging out near the golf course today and Jamie says "Mom, why do adults like to play golf so much?" I said "Well, because they find it relaxing and they enjoy it." Jamie says "Yeah, but what's the point unless you're Tiger Woods? He has a reason to enjoy it, he makes lots of money for playing."

I must admit he has a point.